Best Mac File Sync App

  1. Free File Sync Software Reviews
  2. Mac Sync Folders
  3. Best Free File Sync Software
  4. File Sync Software Reviews
  5. Best Mac File Sync App Mac

Keeping your files up to date is important, and that is why the best sync software for Mac is a must-have. While there are a plethora of software solutions out there, they can help you with file synchronization, and you need to choose only the best tool that can help you do the job with ease. Because of the increasing necessity to synchronize and backup data on devices and cloud systems for easy access to files, you will find the following software the best to use for synchronizing files.


Free File Sync

Compare files using QuickLook or 'Line by Line' comparison before sync. Shows selected files in the; Opens selected files in the default app. Execution file operations for the selected items of the Preview table. Copy the selected items (Missing, Diffs, ) of the Preview table into the third folder. The list of best Mac sync software in 2020. SyncMate 4.9 Rank based on 374+ users, Reviews (978) Download. Lidiia Krupenko Aug 31, 2020. Synchronization of Mac OS X with several portable devices and online accounts can be a pain without the right tool. Keeping your macOS vital apps like iCal, Music, Address Book, photos, and other data in sync with other devices is the desire of most Mac users. Turn on Finder integration. If you’re on OSX 10.10 or higher, get sync status directly from Finder by enabling Finder overlays in Settings. First, click the Apple logo in the top left corner of your Mac Desktop and select System Preferences, then select Extensions in the top-level menu (shown in the 3rd row from the top). Toggle on the OneDrive Finder Integration to enable Finder overlays.

Are you looking for free software that can help you to sync your files and folders? You should consider trying the Free File Synch software. The software is cross-platform; it works perfectly on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X. The purpose of this software is to save you time while enabling you set up and run your backup job.


Are you struggling to find the best sync software for your Mac computer? Well, you can use Good Sync for proper synchronizing. The best thing about this software is that it works fast, and it gives you the best result. You can use this software to sync files between computer and mobile devices with ease.

Box Sync

The best thing you need to know about this software is that it securely sync your files and folder without the need to save the document to the cloud. You can use the software to exchange data between computers, mobile drives, and driver without using the internet.

Laplink Sync

If you are looking for the best software that will synchronize your data fast and securely, you will find this solution useful. You can sync files between computer, mobile phone and tablets without connecting to the internet. The software is easy to use, in the sense that you sync files and folders with just a few clicks.

Sync File Software for Other Platforms

There are still many more best software solutions that you can use to sync your files and folders. Perhaps the best thing about the software is that each solution is easy to use, but most importantly, the software solutions are cheap, hence affordable. The following is a list of additional sync software for other platforms.

Syncthing for Windows

One of the features that make this software the best solution is that it is secure. That means you can be sure that your data is private because all your data will be stored only on your computer. You can be sure that the software will not compromise any central service on your computer. Also, the tool is cheap and easy to use.

FileSync for Mac

This is a Mac OS X software for version 10 and above. You can use this software to synchronize selectable file and folders on USB flash drives, external drives, Networked Macs, and mounted disk images. The software is powerful. So much, in fact, it will enable you to store multiple synchronized lists of files and folders.

SyncMate Popular for 2016

Sync Mate is the popular software for 2016, and there is both a free edition and a premium version of the software. With this software, you can not only synchronize data on multiple devices but also enable you to check the supported devices before buying and using the software. The premium version of the software support bookmark, iTunes, and iPhoto sync.

Free File Sync Software Reviews

What is Sync Software for Mac?

The term synchronization in computing is the process of making sure that files and folders in one or more locations are kept up to date. The sync software for Mac is computer solutions used to help users to keep their files and folders up to date. Data synchronization has become popular and relevant, especially in the age of cloud computing. You can also see Time Sync Software

It is important to know, however, that file sync software solutions can also store data on your computer and enable the transfer of data from one device to another. In fact, many sync software solutions will help you transfer data between your computer and mobile devices. You can also see Sync Software

Sync Software solutions are the best backup and sync tools on the market. They use accurate and secure algorithms to synchronize data between your computer devices like PCs, Laptops, remote FTP, and the like of online data storage.

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There are two basic ways that you, as an administrator, can deploy the OneDrive sync app to Mac users in your organization:

  • Have users install and set up the OneDrive sync app themselves by following the instructions in Sync files with OneDrive on Mac OS X. To install the OneDrive sync app for Mac, a user has to be an administrator on the Mac or know an administrator account name and password.

  • Download the installer package file to your local network, and then use your software distribution tools to deploy the app to your users. By using a software distribution tool, you have more control over the deployment, including which users get the sync app and when. The OneDrive sync app for Mac uses the Apple Installer technology for installation. This means you can continue to use the software distribution tools that you normally use to deploy software to Mac users. You can use Microsoft Intune. Other common tools are Jamf Pro, Munki, and AutoPkg. You can also use Apple Remote Desktop and AppleScript.

Manage OneDrive settings on macOS using property list (Plist) files

After the OneDrive sync app for Mac is installed, users can configure settings for the app. These settings are called preferences. As an administrator, you might want to provide users in your organization with a standard set of preferences. Preferences for the OneDrive sync app for Mac are stored in preference files. These files are often referred to as .plist files.

StandaloneMac App Store
PList Location

Configure sync app settings

Configure the settings on macOS as follows:

  1. Quit the OneDrive app.

  2. Define the settings you want to change by creating a Plist file with the values, or use a script to set the default values.

  3. Deploy the settings onto the local computer.

  4. Refresh the preferences cache. How to remove install app in mac.

    On the next start of OneDrive, the new settings will be picked up.

Overview of settings

Use the following keys to preconfigure or change settings for your users. The keys are the same whether you run the standalone or Mac App Store edition of the sync app, but the Plist file name and domain name will be different. When you apply the settings, ensure that you target the appropriate domain depending on the edition of the sync app.

List of settings


This setting prevents the users from uploading files to other organizations by specifying a list of allowed tenant IDs. If you enable this setting, the user gets an error if they attempt to add an account from an organization that is not in the allowed tenants list. If the user has already added the account, the files stop syncing. This setting takes priority over Block syncing OneDrive accounts for specific organizations setting. Do NOT enable both settings at the same time.

Mac Sync Folders

The parameter for the AllowTenantList key is TenantID and its value is a string which determines the tenants for whom the Allow Tenant setting is applicable. For the setting to be complete, this parameter also requires a boolean value to be set to it. If the boolean value is set to True, the tenant is allowed to sync.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting enables the sync app to automatically set the amount of bandwidth that can be used for uploading files, based on available bandwidth.

To enable this setting, you must define a number between 1 and 99 which determines the percentage of bandwidth the sync app can use out of the total available bandwidth.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting prevents the sync app from syncing libraries and folders shared from other organizations.

If you set the setting's value to True, the users are prevented from syncing OneDrive and SharePoint libraries and folders with organizations other than the user's own organization. Set this value to False or do not enable the setting to allow the OneDrive and SharePoint files to be synced with other organizations also.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting prevents the users from uploading files to organizations that are included in the blocked tenant IDs list that is specified.

If you enable this setting, the users get an error if they attempt to add an account from an organization that is blocked. If a user has already added an account for a blocked organization, the files stop syncing. This setting does NOT work if you have Allow syncing OneDrive accounts for only specific organizations setting enabled. Do NOT enable both settings at the same time.

You must enable this setting by defining IDs for the TenantID parameter which determines the tenants to whom the block tenant setting is applicable. You must also set the boolean value to True for the ID of every tenant you want to prevent from syncing with the OneDrive and SharePoint files and folders.

Note: In the list, inclusion of the tenant ID alone does not suffice. It is mandatory to set the boolean value to True for the ID of each tenant who is to be blocked.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting specifies the default location of the OneDrive folder for each organization.

The parameters are TenantID and DefaultFolderPath.The TenantID value is a string that determines the tenants to whom the default folder location setting is applicable.The DefaultFolderPath value is a string that specifies the default location of the folder.

The following are the conditions governing the default folder location:-Mac app store: The path must already exist when the user is setting up the sync app.-Standalone: The path will be created (if it doesn't already exist) after the user sets up the sync app. Only with the Standalone sync app you can prevent users from changing the location.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting prevents toasts from appearing when applications cause file contents to be downloaded.

If you set the setting's value to True, toasts do not appear when applications trigger the download of file contents.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting blocks users from signing in and syncing files in personal OneDrive accounts. If this setting has been configured after a user has set up sync with a personal account, the user gets signed out.

If you set the setting's value to True, the users are prevented from adding or syncing personal accounts.

Imo app für mac. The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting prevents the tutorial from being shown to the users after they set up OneDrive.

If you set this setting's value to True, the tutorial is blocked from being shown to the users after they set up the OneDrive.

Best Free File Sync Software

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting sets the maximum download throughput rate in kilobytes (KB)/sec for computers running the OneDrive sync app.

You must set this setting's value to an integer between 50 KB/sec and the maximum rate is 100,000 KB/sec which determines the download throughput in KB/sec which the sync app can use.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:
<int>(Download Throughput Rate in KB/sec)</int>


This setting specifies whether Files On-Demand is enabled.

If you don't set this setting, Files On-Demand will be enabled automatically as we roll out the feature, and users can turn the setting on or off.

If you set this setting to True, FilesOnDemand is enabled and the users who set up the sync app can view the online-only files, by default.

If you set this setting to False, FilesOnDemand is disabled and the users won't be able to turn it on.

File Sync Software Reviews

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting specifies whether a dock icon for OneDrive is shown.

If you set this setting's value to True, the OneDrive dock icon is hidden even if the app is running.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:

Best Mac File Sync App Mac


This setting prevents apps from automatically downloading online-only files. You can use this setting to lock down apps that don't work correctly with your deployment of Files On-Demand.

To enable this setting, you must define a string in JSON format as described below:
'appID' can be either the BSD process name or the bundle display name. 'MaxBuildVersion' denotes the maximum build version of the app that will be blocked. 'MaxBundleVersion' denotes the maximum bundle version of the app that will be blocked.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:
<key>HydrationDisallowedApps </key>
<string> [{'ApplicationId':'appId','MaxBundleVersion':'1.1','MaxBuildVersion':'1.0'}, {'ApplicationId':'appId2','MaxBundleVersion':'3.2','MaxBuildVersion':'2.0'}]</string>


This setting specifies whether OneDrive starts automatically when the user logs in.

If you set this setting's value to True, OneDrive starts automatically when the user logs in on Mac.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting specifies the SharePoint Server 2019 on-premises URL that the OneDrive sync app must try to authenticate and sync against.

To enable this setting, you must define a string containing the URL of the on-premises SharePoint Server.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting determines whether or not the client should set up sync for SharePoint Server or SharePoint in Microsoft 365 first during the first-run scenario when the email is the same for both SharePoint Server on-premises and SharePoint in Microsoft 365 in a hybrid scenario.

If you set this setting's value to 1, it is an indication that OneDrive should set up SharePoint Server on-premises first, followed by SharePoint in Microsoft 365.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:
<int>(0 or 1)</int>


This setting enables you to specify the name of the folder created for syncing the SharePoint Server 2019 files specified in the Front Door URL.

If this setting is enabled, you can specify a TenantName which is the name the folder will use in the following convention:
OneDrive – TenantName (specified by you)
TenantName (specified by you)

If you do not specify any TenantName, the folder will use the first segment of the FrontDoorURL as the its name. For example, will use Contoso as the Tenant Name in the following convention:
OneDrive – Contoso

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:


This setting defines the maximum upload throughput rate in KB/sec for computers running the OneDrive sync app.

To enable this setting, set a value between 50 and 100,000 which is the upload throughput rate the sync app can use.

The example for this setting in the .plist file is:
<int>(Upload Throughput Rate in KB/sec)</int>

You can also configure the OneDrive Standalone sync app to receive delayed updates.

PList Location
SettingDescriptionParametersExample Plist Entry
Defines the update ring for the computer
UpdateRing (String): This parameter has two different values.
Production - The default update ring for OneDrive updates.
Insiders - This update ring receives updates that are 'pre-production' and that allow you to play with features before they are released. Note that builds from this ring may be less stable.
Enterprise - This update ring (now called 'Deferred') receives updates after they have been rolled out through the Production ring. It also lets you control the deployment of updates. For more information about the update rings and the procedure used by the sync app for checking for updates, see The OneDrive sync app update process.